Friday 1 March 2013

Quilt Museum & Gallery York

Town and Country

Last weekend on 23rd to 24th I stayed in York to visit the famous Quilt Museum & Gallery. I didnt get chance to spend long within the Museum as it took myself and my friend a while to find it as it's quite hidden away, but I was glad once i'd discovered it because it was a really funfilling experience. I gathered websites (which I will list below) and these became useful towards looking more into pieces i'd discovered and the textiles artists. I also took photographs of my favourite pieces and the information at the side, which I will be uploading in later posts. This has to be one of my favourite galleries, because with me creating a patchwork quilt it opened my eyes so much to the variety of quilts in contempary and classic, and the different ways in which you can transform a quilt into a piece of art, a lot of quilts had components on which added texture and enhanced the piece.
My favourite patchwork quilt was called 'white lies and promises' and it held so much meaning and detail, it had a variety of components and techniques applied to it, I will upload a photograph in later posts as this quilt really did inspire me as it isnt a case of blocks of different fabric in squares, it really was a quilt based on art as it had different sewning patterns sewn through it to bring together each individual patch.
The gallery presented contempary and classic quilts to show me the difference in quilts created today and in the past, some of the more classic quilts should such concentration to detail, as one had gold braid sewn through each line and it really enhanced the quilt and gave it a 3D effect, or some quilts had had more and more added to it over the centuries to show the life of the quilt and the difference in fabrics and patterning.
The shop below the gallery was also very useful as it supplied you with thread, sewing packs, pattern packs, books, fabrics etc. I bought a book on Kath Kidstone called Patch! and inside it gave me all the instructions and measurments to make various interior objects, it also gave me different patterns I could apply to a quilt which was useful, and also it supplied me with all the fabric inside to create a Kath Kidstone style bag which I am looking forward to making and it will supply me with experience and pratice.
So I would suggest this Museum to anyone because it was really inspiring and interesting for me and I am hoping to visit upcoming events! < the exhibition I attended and the Museum website
^ all the websites I gathered at the museum

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