Sunday 21 October 2012

Screen print using puff binder

For this example I did a screen print using puff binder on cotton fabric. Firstly, I dyed my material a blend of Red Mx5B, Scarlet MxB & Yellow Mx4G and I think this was successful because it created a not too dark background so that I could work into it. I then pressed the fabric in the heat transfer press at 180 degrees to ensure the procion dye was into the fibres of the fabric, then I washed the fabric to discard of any loose fibres so it was ready to be worked into with more techniques. I also then did a screen print with puff binder with Blue B which worked really well with the background colors as they contrasted off each other, then I used the heat gun for a minute to puff up the puff binder to create the texture and finishing.

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