Friday 24 May 2013

Free Hand Embroidery

With this sample I wanted to produce some free hand embroidery on the sewing machine so there I wanted to do this on a variety of multicoloured and vibrant fabrics, so therefore I got my first sample inside a hoop with wadding in the middle then white cotton material behind it all, I placed the wadding inside because I wanted to see the effect it had against the free hand embroidery and also I was practicing was using it within my quilt, so therefore I placed them inside my hoop and tightened it up so that the fabrics and the wadding were tight against each other and this would also create more of an advantage towards the sewing machine as tighter material resulted in a tighter and better presented embroidery.
So therefore I went on the sewing machine and began my embroidery with the footer off the sewing machine and the switch behind the sewing machine turned so that the feeder was down that pushes the material through so that I could freely move my material and create my design. So then I started my design of a face but the material didnt seem to be catching on the thread and it wasn't creating an embroidery effect so I unpicked my design and removed the wadding because I think this is what was making it difficult because the wadding was so thick, so therefore the following day I tried it again with just the multi-coloured fabric and the white cotton underneath and it was sucessfull and became easier to embroidery.

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