Wednesday 29 May 2013

Puff Binder on Cotton Fabric

For this sample I firstly chose Cotton fabric as I wanted something that wasn't too thin and that I could present more than one technique on, so therefore I firstly dyed my fabric in a blend of Yellow, Turquoise, Pink, Orange and Blue to create a bright but contrasting background but I wanted it not too light because I wanted to produce a White puff binder screen print on top of it so that the enhancing and bright colours will be transparent through my design and its detail.
So therefore I dyed my material by using the process of masking it to a shelf and then dropping the dye onto the fabric so that it travelled downwards and blended into each other and occasionally added water to make the colours not so bold. After dying my fabric I then placed the Puff binder into a plastic cup which I filled just half way and then used a small wooden stick to place a even layer of the puff binder above my design on my screen with my fabric placed precisely underneath. I then followed this by using my squeegee to spread the puff binder over my design and repeated this process 2-3 times up and down my screen, moreover I then immediately washed my screen with the hose pipe because the Puff binder is a very thick substance and could stick within my design and my screen and ruine any further screen prints so its important to wash it so that it doesn't dry and stick to your screen. I followed this by then placing my screen in the drying cupboard to dry and then applied the heat gun to my fabric for 2-3 minutes which applies heat to the puff Binder to puff it up and present my design through the textured substance on my fabric. I appreciated this sample because the puff binder print againist the background really contrasts and shows all the small detail of this design which I think makes it look unique. If I did it again the only difference I would make is masking the small detail inside the large shape on my design because that isn't part of it and inside the large shape is meant to just reveal the bright background so if I did it again I would mask parts of my screen which little marks have come through to then on my fabric reveal just my design.

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