Sunday 2 June 2013

Fabric pens on Cotton Fabric appliqued onto Knitting

For this sample I wanted to bring a different technique into the knitting panels instead of the previous Puff binder on my other knitting panel. So therefore I decided to use the fabric pens and create an eye on Cotton fabric because it is strong and would work well with the fabric pens and applique technique. So on the Cotton fabric I got the idea of an eye from a portrait of myself where I look slightly shocked so my eyes are more open that usual to reveal all the detail so I got the eye from this, I tried to include shading in the eye but it were difficult as the pens are very bold and texture based but the texture also related to my artist research and style so I began to use this within the eye to create more shadowing.
I felt this worked well with the vibrant knitting panel because in this knitting panel there was also patches of Blue so it worked well with the Blue in the eye, so therefore I need to yet go on the sewing machine and applique my eye design onto my knitting and I will do this by using the computer design sewing machine which involves a variety of different sewing designs and something sketchy instead of a straight stitch would look interesting around the eye or I could hand stitch with thick embroidery wool to bring the cotton fabric and knitting together, but I will be most likely using the machine and this isnt time consuming and will look more precise and delicate.

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