Sunday 2 June 2013

Repeated Puff binder print on Cotton fabric

For this sample I decided to not apply a background as in my previous samples I applied a vibrant and contrasting background so that the design was black and bold against it but for this sample I wanted a vibrant and contrasting design against a plain background so that my detail contrasts more. So therefore I chose Cotton fabric again because I feel its the perfect strong fabric to withstand a repeated puff binder print as its thick and textured and needs a fabric that can withstand this and present it to a high standard.
So therefore I firstly did the first Puff binder screen print which I added quartre of a teaspoons worth Orange pigment ink to, then followed by my second screen print of my myself which I moved down so that the eyes were in the line with the hair to see the transparent effect and this was Puff binder with quartre of a teaspoons worth of Red pigment ink to it and then finished with moving my screen down so that again the 3rd screen print was in line with the seconds eyes, and I added another quartre of a teaspoons worth to the previous screen print so that the 3rd screen print had half a teaspoon in total of the Red pigment ink. I then had to quickly wash my screen and squeegee's with the hose pipe as Puff binder is a thick substance and can stick within your screen and ruine any further screen prints as it blocks the design printing on the fabric properly.
I appreciate this design because I think the use of colours for my prints works well with the background and makes the prints contrast and become center of attention, my only disadvantage for this sample is that I wish I'd used more contasting colours againist each other like pratically pink, Vibrant red and then brown because I feel sometimes my detail doesent contrast well againist the other screen prints because all the colours and quite warm and light and at some points of my sample they blend into one another, so if I could change anything it would be more clashing colours for the Puff binder.

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