Cardboard weave

For my second project I began experimenting with weaving, knitting, felting & overlapping these techniques to create different unique designs. So for this experiment I created my own cardboard weave in which I had to cut small parallel squares out of either side and then round the board wind thin thread to create the panell to keep the weave together and to create the weave. So I then collected different material & wool with different textures & patterns to weave through the cardboard weave. I used fur, think purple wool, winter themed material etc, and I made sure it all represented winter and its cold but think and wooly colours. Afterwards I wanted to overlap my design with more techniques and experiment more into the weave, so I therefore did a screen print in Black pigment paint over the top. I liked this piece because the cool and light background really contrasted against the weave to make the screen print stand out, but because it was a weave and had a vary varied texture to it it broke up the screen print a bit so you couldnt see the detail and the outline to a very good standard, I think thats the only thing that ruined this experiment but apart from that I really enjoyed taking the cardboard weave into my own hands by creating my own and overlapping the techniques.
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