Sunday 2 December 2012

Knitting Sample

Knitting was one of my favourite samples to do, but one of the most time consuming. I enjoyed knitting because I felt it encouraged you do more once you realised you were getting somewhere with the process, I really envied the pattern it created, the strength of the fabric and the way in which it was so thick so it would be more of an advantage towards various techniques over the top of it. I did my knitting in Blue wool as it represented my them but If I could do it again I would of bought more wool in various winter colours and built it up in texture and techniques or even added componenets within the wool to make it interesting and unique like Wendy did within her work and also would show my artist influences. If I would of been more time managing with my bag I would of done one sad panel knitted but its such a time consuming I may of had to spend a lot of time on it. But overall I felt I learnt a lot of skills and experience within this sample and I really did enjoy doing it and the outcome.

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