Sunday 2 December 2012


For this sample I found the felting technique very difficult to produce because I felt I couldnt do it to the best of my ability with the thickness of felt and the difficulty of producing art out of it. For this process we had to collect sections of felt and place them onto first a towel then a square of bubblewrap all going sideways, then after youve filled the square if bubblewrap I then got more felt but going in a downwards direction. Afterwards I then placed netting onto of the felt and with a bottle spray I sprayed water onto the felt but only getting it slightly damp and not too wet to work onto. Afterwards I then gathered winter themed wool and tried creating a winter tree and then a snowflake, with different blends of winter wool creating deep and light effects by at parts adding more wool than others. Moreover, I then had to role up my design and begin rolling it back and fourth inside the bubblewrap, which ensured the fibres with the felt to gather themselves together. After a few minutes of doing this process I had to place the felt still within the bubblewrap inside hot water then leave my design to dry. Once my design was complete I liked the way in whcih the felt blended into each other but felt I couldnt design art up to a high standard with it because it was so difficult to get the felt to go where id positioned it without there not been enough felt or been too much. But if I could do the process again I would concentrate more on thinner felt and thinner detail.

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