Sunday 2 December 2012

Cardboard weave

For this example I did a Cardboard weave on a smaller cardboard cutout than the one I made myself, so this was the first example on the cardboard weave I produced. When producing this example its a case of wrapping some thin wool around the cardboard to be the base ad main strength of the weave and then gathering the wool to weave through the thin wool. I made sure to stick to my theme of winter and ensured to have a blend of blues & purples, but for this perticular weave I wanted to create a winter sunset, so I started with pale yellow in the middle to create a interpretation of the sun and then began a colour blend in blue & purple to gradually get darker. I liked this idea because I felt it did look like a winter sunset within a weave. I also liked doing this process because you can experiment and weave anything through the cardboard but I also feel that the sample isnt strong enough as I didnt put enough wool into the end of the weave before getting it off the cardboard so it was slightly loose which made it of a lesser standard.

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