Sunday 2 December 2012

Weave on Peg Loom

This was one of my least favourite examples because I felt it didnt turn out the way I expected. For a peg loom it is a case of having a plastic block stand with pegs inside it to weave in and out of, but at the bottom of the pegs you have same side lengths of cotton material through little holes creating a double up effect at the bottom of each peg. You then have to knot your choosen wool to begin with at the end and place the note onto the end peg then begin your weaving go in and out of the pegs, but if you wanted to be more experimental you could miss 2 pegs then weave 2 pegs then weave 2 pegs to create a different effect. but with this weave I only did this process with the thick wool because I wanted my sample to stay strong and secure as with thin wool it may create holes and make it less secure. But then when id completed my weave I had to bring my pegs out one by one and place them back in the required holes but behind the weave I had created, then once doing this process with all the pegs I had to tye the remainly thin cotton together 3 sections at a time, so that the weave was secre and wouldnt become loose, but the only problem I discovered was that I did my orginal thin cotton as the cotton to keep my weave together I did the cotton too small so when I came to tying them together it bunched all my design together so you couldnt see all the seperate wool and design which ruined the sample slightly but overall I did enjoy doing it and the experience.

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